Interfaith Week for Schools
Linking Faiths, Beliefs, and Communities

Thank you for joining us for Interfaith Week 2024,10th- 17th November, fostering empathy, understanding, and social cohesion among students while enriching their knowledge of diverse faiths and beliefs! Our theme this year was: Sharing My Story, Building Our Future
“This generation is one of the best placed generations for interfaith work. We are more open and honest than older generations. We’re ready to make the change”
Faith & Belief Forum ParliaMentors participant 2023-24

Celebrating IFW with your young people will contribute towards:
Your statutory duty to promote Community Cohesion
Celebrating diversity within your school and local communities
Exploring pupils’ individual identity and shared humanity
Developing and strengthening your school values, ethos and community
Building stronger links with your local communities
Your statutory duty to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) of your pupils.
How can we help?
By offering a curated selection of resources, relevant to the theme, so you can celebrate Interfaith Week in your classroom
In running webinars for education professionals, and those passionate about the role of education in social cohesion
By sharing stories and images of your work after the week
Have stories, quotes, or photos to share from the week?